RxDelivered is a drug delivery platform.
The general terms below apply in using this platform.
Our service may only be used in accordance with these terms of use. The service provider reserves the right to change these terms of use if required.
The users themselves retain the right to all text, pictures and other content that they create in the service. The users allow others to utilize the content in accordance with the nature of the service and furthermore allow the service provider to file information and data and make changes that are necessary for the service or the study, however other rights are not transferred from the users, unless specifically otherwise agreed. The responsibility of the content lies with the user, who has produced it to the service. The service provider has the right to remove any material when it deems it necessary.
No guarantees of the functioning of this service are given. The users are themselves responsible for their actions in the service and they should estimate the reliability of other users before dealing with them. The service provider can under no circumstances be liable for damage that is caused to the user. The user may not store any information or data in the service, and expect it to remain there.
The service provider has the right to remove any users and terminate their right of use of the service without any specific reason and without being liable for compensation.
The jurisdiction that is applicable in this service and these terms of use is that of Nigeria, unless something else is required by binding law.
Returns and Refunds
Goods once delivered and collected in good condition cannot be returned.
Refunds will only apply for goods and services not provided by vendors on the platform. They would be credited into the buyer's account and may only be withdrawn on request.
We provide delivery for a Fee.
Quality of products
We delivered high quality authenticated medicines.
Policies & Regulations
The following policies and regulations guide the operation of the RxDelivered platform:
We are a community and all are bound to treat one-another professionally
Honest transactions are mandatory and those who fall short will be removed from the platform
Prices quoted on the platform must remain the same for products delivered after an online transaction is completed
Goods received in good condition cannot be returned
If the cash on delivery option is selected, the full sum including additional charges must be paid in full
Refunds will apply (after confirmation) for goods or services not delivered and for card transactions that do not complete
Users will strive to give fair reviews to counterparties
No counterfeit, unregulated and hard drugs can be traded on the platform
Access to view and order medicines listed on the platform is restricted to approved users
Fraudulent and illegal activities will be reported to the relevant authorities
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